Concierge addiction treatment in Florida and California
For individuals, couples, families in all stages of recovery

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Your Recovery Team - Matt Greene L.Ac.

Promoting health, balance, and peace of mind is the great passion and purpose of Matt's life. Life is difficult. Matt truly enjoys the task of making it easier for his patients.

Matt's path to healing started w/ his role in his family. He was the calm, counseling mediator of his passionate and sometimes dysfunctional tribe. The youngest but somehow the most mature in many ways, he guided his family through some tough times. That experience of helping his loved ones find peace led him to seek a life of service. Earning his BA in Psychology his original plan was to counsel families. While studying, he fell in love w/ the eastern philosophies and discovered Chinese Medicine.

The connection of the mind, body and spirit is what he values most in this beautiful healing tradition, and has dedicated his life to helping people find their balance and flow through acupuncture, massage, moxibustion, cupping, herbal and supplemental therapy.

Matt's education includes a BA in Psychology from Humboldt State University, and a Masters of Science of Traditional Oriental Medicine from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in San Diego. With those degrees, he's helped thousands of patients over 14 years achieve health and balance in his private practice in the beautiful beach town of San Clemente

He lives with the love of his life, his wife Kassi of 20 years, and his two perfect boys: Eli 14yrs old and Bodhi 7yrs old. Matt is keenly aware that his healing strength comes from the strength of his family's bond of love. This is what drives him forward and what he holds more dearly than anything.


Saturday July 27, 2024