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Sex Addiction

Sexual addictions are caused by misuse of a person's natural sex drive. The addiction will usually be started in puberty but it can also be developed later in life. Once started it leads to a compulsion the sexually addicted person tries to avoid, but can't. In the later stages it can affect every part of the person's life. Self-respect, intimate relationships, associations with family and friends, finances and career can take second place to his sexual addiction. If the sexually addicted person is honest with himself, he'll realize that his sex life is underscored by confusion, conflict, and regret. The joy of wonderful loving sex now competes with his sexual addiction.

The movies and the media portray sex addicts as having fun. A sex addict compulsively tries to use sex to conceal his personal problems just as an alcoholic uses booze or a drug addict loses control over his life to drugs. Sexually addictive behavior, like any other addiction, delivers short-term thrills followed by long-term miseries.

Getting a sex addiction stopped is the most important decision the sexually addicted person can make in his or her life.

Your Recovery Team is experienced and successful in the treatment of sexual addiction. With the aid of individual and family counseling and cutting edge techniques,YOU can recover at home and your original support team can help you for as long as you need them.


Saturday July 27, 2024