Concierge addiction treatment in Florida and California
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Gambling Addiction

Compulsive gambling is a progressive disease, much like an addiction to alcohol or drugs. In many cases, the gambling addiction is hidden until the gambler becomes unable to function without gambling, and he or she begins to exclude all other activities from their lives.

Gambling for most people is a recreational activity. However, for an estimated 3% to 5% of the general population, gambling results in an addiction. Estimates as high as 25% to 30% of alcoholics and drug addicts are also addicted to gambling.

If you have multiple addictions, they will all be addressed in your treatment program.

Inability to stop gambling often results in financial devastation, broken homes, employment problems, criminal acts and suicide attempts.

Your Recovery Team understands and have experienced this addiction and will teach you to understand yourself better.


Saturday July 27, 2024