Concierge addiction treatment in Florida and California
For individuals, couples, families in all stages of recovery

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Spiritual Coaching

When an individual struggles with addiction they become disconnected from both the inner world inside them and outer world around them. Having a Spiritual Coach helps one reconnect with the divine, the self, and others and the world. Through the use of a spiritual recovery coach, one can redefine and recapture a connection to a Higher Power of their understanding. While working with a spiritual recovery coach one works on eliminated shame and guilt created by addiction and in return raises self esteem in knowledge of their true divinity. By defining and developing a relationship with a Higher Power, one is more able to repair their wounded lives in partnership with the world around them. A spiritual recovery coach also works on grief and loss issues which may have served to emotionally lead the addict to reach for substance. While healing from these losses the client learns important tools to maintain a connection, through various prayer, meditation, art, nature, and journaling exercises. A spiritual recovery coach may employ a variety of the healing modalities she is trained in. A spiritual recovery coach aims to help one discover the greatest gift as oneself, by listening and mirroring true self-love and acceptance the person suffering from addiction and pain can flourish and heal.


Friday July 26, 2024