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Emotional Transformation

Emotional Transformation Therapy (ETT) uses light energy in various ways to greatly accelerate the pace and depth of psycho-emotional healing. It has been described as brain surgery without a scalpel. The leading developer and researcher in the use of light energy is Dr. Steven R. Vazquez. He has been working passionately to advance an understanding of how to use the various characteristics of light energy to successfully treat a host of conditions since 1991. ETT has been effective in the treatment of all behavioral and substance addictions, depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, attention deficit, PTSD, OCD without the use of drugs.

Since our brain and nervous systems are energy based, it is not surprising that the use of light energy in various ways can be so effective. It is estimated that about 80% of all the energy that enters our body comes through light receptors. ETT uses the various characteristics of light to accelerate the discovery and processing of emotional memory that is at the root of substance and behavioral addictions. Attachment theorists believe that most mental health problems, including addiction and personality disorders, are caused by the inability to process feelings due to attachment disorders. A trained and skilled therapist using ETT varies treatment based upon an understanding of the client


Saturday July 27, 2024