Concierge addiction treatment in Florida and California
For individuals, couples, families in all stages of recovery

Schedule a complimentary consultation to see if our unique customized program is right for YOU.

Mental Health Counseling

At the core of every great addiction rehab program is counseling. Often times the behaviors such as drug, alcohol, food, sex/love, gambling abuse are only vehicles used , There is usually an underlying issue that needs to be addressed. When an individual takes part in drug addiction counseling, he or she is addressing the psychological component of their dependence. This is the process that keeps people from relapsing in the days, months and years following the original addiction treatment program. Counseling provides lessons in better decision-making, coping skills and generally enhances the life of the individual in mind and spirit. While medical detoxification addresses an individual's physical addiction, there is still the sizable psychological addiction that must be explored. This is handled through counseling. Addiction counseling is all about gaining an understanding of why individuals initially establish these behaviors and eventually become addicted. Sessions address the


Saturday July 27, 2024