Concierge addiction treatment in Florida and California
For individuals, couples, families in all stages of recovery

Schedule a complimentary consultation to see if our unique customized program is right for YOU.

Recovery Care Management

After detoxification and or inpatient treatment intensive recovery management is the next step to ensure a long term recovery. It includes but is not limited to the following services. All programs are individualized based on the needs of the treatment seeker. The plans are flexible and ever changing and can continue indefinitely. The Recovery Management Team can start working with the patient while they are in a facility and to make the transition back to real life smooth.. If this team includes the interventionist, the relationship and trust level has already been established and the transition is almost seamless.

  • Evaluation for assessment of Recovery Support needs
  • Individual Counseling
  • Help client set up daily/weekly/monthly calendar that supports their recovery needs which may include the following:
    • Career support
    • Health and fitness plan, wellness activities, ensuring proper
    • sleep and a nutrition plan
    • Fun in recovery, beginning social activities in recovery
    • Financial planning
    • Exploration of Spiritual needs/activities
  • Monitoring Services
    • Case Manager will request reports and updates from the
    • following:
    • Intensive Out Patient therapy
    • Psychiatric visit's
    • Medication monitoring
    • 12-step meeting attendance, sponsorship
    • Individual therapist.
  • Updates to/From Family members
  • Random Urinalysis testing
  • Meet face to face with Client
  • minimum of twice per week
  • Phone contact 7 days per week
  • On call phone service 24/7

One on One continuous Recovery Care Management can be enhanced by electronic Support/Validation Monitoring

Electronic Remote Monitoring


Friday July 26, 2024